Ideal L8 China Export Offer Price: $38868

China Auto Market Intels |

AutoCango Sophia

Offer Price¥277000

Offer Price$38868


ModelIdeal L8

Guide Price¥359800

Guide Price$50487

Manufacture Date2023.11

Registration Date2023.12

Ownership Transfers0

Vehicle ColorGrey, Rice

Vehicle ConditionRight front door panel repainted

Features/SpecificationsIdeal Cars, Ideal L8 2023 Pro


2024-09-06 01:48:42 CST  (The Latest Price Time)

Intel ID: ACI100131872
‘China Export Offer Price’ refers to the base price of the car in the Chinese market. We ensure our customer to know exact the purchasing cost of the vehicle with total transparency.
This Offer Price is the initial cost of the vehicle before it is exported. Additional operational costs for example logistics, customs, and service fees will be incurred during export process.