Offer Price:¥19800
Offer Price:$2784
Model:Baoyun 560
Guide Price:¥69800
Guide Price:$9813
Manufacture Date:2016.01
Registration Date:2016.02
Ownership Transfers:0 to me
Vehicle Color:No color change
Vehicle Condition:Left front fender, right rear door fender repainted, remaining original paint. No hood movements. Good engine. Investment required in 2-3 paint surfaces, overall good condition. Located 8KM in Banan District, Chongqing City.
Features/Specifications:Manual Value Type
2024-07-29 06:24:05 CST (The Latest Price Time)
This Offer Price is the initial cost of the vehicle before it is exported. Additional operational costs for example logistics, customs, and service fees will be incurred during export process.