The Changing Landscape of China's Automotive Market: Homegrown Brands on the Rise

A Shift in Consumer Preferences and the Impact on Joint Venture Vehicles

Liang Zhao · 2024-06-07

The automotive industry in China has been witnessing a significant shift in recent years, with domestic brands gaining ground and challenging the dominance of joint venture vehicles. Once revered for their quality and reliability, models like the Toyota Corolla and Honda Fit have seen their sales plummet due to the rise of competitive homegrown alternatives. This article explores the factors contributing to this change and the implications for the future of China's automotive market.

The Fall of Toyota Corolla and Honda Fit

The Toyota Corolla, once a symbol of affordability and reliability, has experienced a dramatic drop in sales, with only 4,320 units sold in April of this year. Similarly, the Honda Fit, known for its spaciousness and performance, has seen its sales dwindle to a fraction of its former success. The discounts for these models have reached 40,000 to 48,000 CNY, a stark contrast to the 180,000 CNY price tag a decade ago. The decline in sales for these models is indicative of a larger trend in the market.

The Rise of Domestic Brands: BYD Dolphin and Qin PLUS DM-i

BYD's Dolphin and Qin PLUS DM-i have emerged as strong competitors to the Honda Fit and Toyota Corolla, respectively. With the Dolphin offering impressive electric power and lower operating costs compared to traditional fuel vehicles, it has become an attractive choice for consumers. The Qin PLUS DM-i, priced at 79,800 CNY, has seen sales of 58,830 units in the first few months, significantly outperforming the Corolla's 19,871 units during the same period.

SUV Market Disruption: BYD Song PLUS DM-i and Ideal L8

In the SUV segment, the Honda CR-V and Toyota Highlander have faced stiff competition from the BYD Song PLUS DM-i and Ideal L8. The Song PLUS DM-i sold 44,119 units in the first quarter, while the CR-V managed 26,953 units. The Ideal L8, with its focus on family-friendly features, has become a popular choice, selling consistently high volumes since its launch.

The Impact of Domestic Brands on the Market

The rise of domestic brands has not only impacted sales figures but also the strategies of joint venture vehicles. With competitive pricing, advanced technology, and features tailored to local consumer preferences, domestic brands have managed to capture significant market share. The success of these brands has forced traditional joint venture models to reconsider their positioning and offerings.

The Future Outlook

The Chinese automotive market is at a crossroads, with domestic brands challenging the dominance of established joint venture vehicles. As consumer preferences shift towards more value-oriented and technologically advanced options, the market landscape is expected to continue evolving. The future will likely see an increase in competition, innovation, and potentially, further declines for models that fail to adapt to these changes.


In summary, the decline of once-popular joint venture vehicles like the Toyota Corolla and Honda Fit signals a significant shift in China's automotive market. The rise of competitive domestic brands, such as BYD and Ideal, has disrupted the traditional market dynamics, offering consumers more options and higher value. As the market continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how joint venture brands will adapt to these challenges and the changing preferences of Chinese consumers.