China's Dominance in the 2023 Global Energy Storage Market

Chinese Battery Manufacturers Lead the Global Energy Storage Market

Li Yaoxian · 2024-05-13

China has been leading this growth in global energy storage market. In 2023, the global energy storage system (ESS) shipments reached 185GWh, a 53% increase from the previous year. The surge is mainly thanks to the Chinese battery makers who have not only increased their market share but also set pace for industry’s technological innovations.

Regional Market Share and Growth Drivers

China dominates ESS market by having 84GWh, which is equal to 45% of global demand. North America comes second with 30% while Europe follows closely with 12%. This success of Chinese firms in energy storage industry can be attributed to several factors, including improvements in battery capacity and life cycles, as well as competitive pricing strategies that fuelled their growth.

Manufacturer Performance and Market Dynamics

Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries have seen massive growth for Chinese manufacturers. Companies like EVE Energy and RuiPuLan have achieved growth rates exceeding 100%. Chinese manufacturers are able to gain a significant competitive advantage over their South Korean counterparts because they offer BESS container solutions priced below $100/kWh.

Technological Trends and Innovations

Due to its safe chemical properties, there is an increased preference of LFP batteries for use in ESS applications. Manufacturers are seeking to produce higher capacity LFP batteries ranging from 500 to 625 ampere hours. Innovations in battery technology, such as reduced electrode sheet lengths and the use of lithium-rich olivine (LFO) as a pre-lithiation additive, are enhancing energy density and cycle life.

Future Outlook and Competitive Landscape

Chinese companies will be important players in the global ESS market going forward. Nevertheless, Korean companies should not be underestimated since they plan to start mass production of LFP Batteries in North America by 2026 with the aim of recovering their competitiveness there again. These advancements offered by technology, along with a decrease in cost, are expected to further cement the basis for clean energy future, stressing that the future of energy storage systems is attractive.


Chinese battery manufacturers have driven growth and innovation in the global energy storage market of 2023. This has enabled these firms to stay ahead of their rivals through strategic focus on LFP batteries production and sustained efforts towards improvement on battery technology. Over time, it is expected that there will be more intense rivalry between manufacturers from China and South Korea as both sides continue pushing borders in terms of what can be done within this field of energy storage solutions.