AutoCango Sophia
Offer Price:¥162000
Offer Price:$22781
Registration Date:2018-6
Ownership Transfers:3
Vehicle Color:Black
Vehicle Condition:18 Mercedes-Benz Vito 2.0T automatic sunroof 7-seat business version, actual mileage 150,000 km, modified with dual electric doors, sunroof, second-row aviation seats (ventilated and massage), nine-grid grille, ambient lighting, exquisite condition with no accidents or water damage, beautiful interior with zero investment, exterior with 2-3 paint touch-ups, insurance until March. Transfer of ownership shown as three times, actually within the same parent company for internal reallocation, separately replaced two front headlights (non-accident), driver's door leather damaged, left electric door motor noise, not covered by third-party insurance due to sunroof and wooden floor modifications, 4S records available for inspection if necessary, two rear doors, two rear leaves have been repainted, remaining original paint.
Features/Specifications:Mercedes-Benz Vito automatic sunroof 7-seat business version
2024-09-04 04:49:55 CST (The Latest Price Time)
This Offer Price is the initial cost of the vehicle before it is exported. Additional operational costs for example logistics, customs, and service fees will be incurred during export process.
Shenzhen Guangdong China