Neta Auto Signs Deals to Launch NEVs in Mexico

Neta Auto will introduce its intelligent NEVs to the Mexican market in Q4 2024 following agreements with MMAV Mexico and other key partners.

zhev · 2024-09-12

Neta Auto to Introduce Intelligent NEVs to Mexican Market in Q4 2024

Chinese NEV startup Neta Auto is about to introduce its line of intelligent NEVs to Mexican auto market in the fourth quarter of 2024. On September 10th, Neta Auto signed a multiple of agreements with MMAV Mexico, the Mexican Electric Vehicle Association (EMA), and several local auto dealers.

Strategic Collaborations and Market Entry

Zhou Jiang, the Vice President and President of Overseas Business Division of Neta Auto, told the media that Mexico is the key market for Neta Auto’s overseas expansion strategy, and the company is pleased to contribute to the transformation of Mexican auto industry towards electrification.

Boosting Financial Solutions for Consumers

BBVA is a Spanish multinational financial services company, and the second-largest investment financial group in Latin America. It is reported that the collaborations will enable the Mexican consumers to enjoy flexible auto financing solutions.

Neta Auto's Global Footprint

Neta Auto has served over 450,000 consumers worldwide, and the Central and South American markets is important for Neta Auto. It has already entered Brazil, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and other regions.

According to the statement, Neta Auto will launch its star products into Mexican auto market in Q4, but the company didn’t disclosed the specific models, Autocango will keep you updated.